COVID-19 Policies – Studio
The health and safety of our clients and staff has always been our number one priority. We have implemented new policies throughout the studio to ensure you have the safest experience possible. Please take a moment to read the updates below prior to returning to the studio.
The following policies will be implemented in all studios, effective October 1, 2020.

Waiver. All clients are required to sign our updated waiver prior to joining class.

Facial Coverings. All clients and staff are required to wear a facial covering at all times when in the studio. Clients may remove their mask at class start time once on the machine. Masks must be stored in the clients small, personal bag. They are strictly prohibited from being hung from the Megaformer and/or Tread or placed on the floor. Masks must be put back on after the cool down is complete and before they step off the machine.

Top Grade Disinfectant and Cleaning. Our team uses Lysol, which disinfects 99.9% of surface germs. We thoroughly sanitize the studio after each class and frequently throughout the day.

Machine Cleaning. Clients will be required to clean visible sweat off of the Megaformer and Tread with their personal towel after class. Our machines are then thoroughly sanitized and cleaned after each class by the Elev8 team. This includes every part of the machines – platform, carriage, springs, handlebars, rails, cables, tread, etc.

Staff Measures. Staff are required to wear a face covering at all times and maintain a safe distance from clients.

Class Schedules. Our class times have changed to ensure the studio is empty for 30 minutes between each class for cleaning procedures.

Wellness Checks. All staff and clients are required to undergo a wellness check before entering the studio. This includes answering health questions through our QR code prior to arriving, sanitizing hands, and having temperatures checked. Anyone recording a temperature of above 37.5C will not be permitted entry into the studio and will be advised to seek medical assistance.

Guided Floor Plan. Please follow the guided markers to ensure 2 meters (6 feet) of social distancing while in the studio.

Lockers. To reduce contamination, we have temporarily suspended the use of lockers. Please bring only the essential items you need for class; they will need to fit in between the rails of your machine.

Restrooms. To reduce contamination, please come dressed for class and avoid using the restrooms. Usage of showers is strictly prohibited.

Timing is Key. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to class start time to ensure there is ample time for wellness checks. In an effort to reduce the number of individuals in the studio, clients are strictly prohibited from entering the studio more than 10 minutes before class start time.

Machine Spacing. Class capacity has been reduced and our machines are spaced 2 meters (6 feet) apart to accommodate social distancing.

Hands on Adjustments. We are temporarily suspending our hands on adjustments to reduce contact. Don’t worry, our extra small class sizes will still allow for lots of verbal instruction and correction to ensure the best workout.

Package Activation. Your package has been activated with a 6 month extension added onto all packages.

Online Classes. They are here to stay! We understand that not everyone will be ready to return to the studio right away, therefore, we will continue to offer our awesome online classes so you can continue to get your sweat on in the safety of your own home.

Fine Tuning. We are closely following the recommendations of public health agencies and consistently monitoring our safety measures. We will adjust our measures accordingly to ensure our clients and staff the safest environment possible.
We are all in this together and our actions will help keep us all safe!

Symptoms. Please do not come to the studio if you feel sick or have any symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath). For the safety of our whole community, you will be asked to leave the studio if you exhibit symptoms.

Person to Person Contact. Please limit your contact with other individuals in the studio. Let’s bring back the air high five!

Self-Isolation. Tested positive for Covid-19 or come in contact with someone that has? We ask that you notify us and do not return to the studio until you have recovered or have waited a minimum of 14 days if you’ve been in contact with someone that tested positive. Please note that your identity will remain confidential! Additionally, we require you to wait 14 days to return to the studio if you have been traveling.